Where we stand when they’ve flown the nest: from uni drop off back to the empty nest

The uni drop-off “A child enters your home and for the next twenty years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.” —John Andrew Holmes Together with thousands of other parents all over the UK we dropped our youngest daughter… Read More Where we stand when they’ve flown the nest: from uni drop off back to the empty nest

Penny pinching at university – helping your fresher with money management

In the short lifespan of this blog one topic that has come up frequently is money! Long gone are the days of grants or even reasonable tuition fees, so the subject of being clever with your student loan at age 18 is a hot topic in 2015. There are some very helpful websites out there… Read More Penny pinching at university – helping your fresher with money management